Public Records Request Snags Secret Reports....
August 1, 2017
Exposes Collusion and Possible Corruption (updated August 19, 2017)
Until now "City Manager Interim Reports" were clandestine, concealed from the public. The "Public Records Request" is posted on the red button just above this column. City manager Moeller resisted fulfilling the request by offering up reasons for not disclosing who the reports were sent to, how the reports were transmitted and when the reports were sent. We now know that all council members received the reports as well as the Law Director. in fact Council Member Steur is quoted as saying that the secret reports have been provided for decades. Moeller has been the city manager for more than 28 years , nearly three decades. The messenger is providing "sample city manager reports" exposing methods of concealing public information, from the public.
When you review samples of the "City Manager Interim Reports" posted on the Green button just above this column, please note the following, the city newsletter content and "Moellers reports" are different, and the city newsletter conceals the associated cost of the proposed projects. Moeller makes it clear that agreements for the purchase of the vacant B&B Mower property have never expired in spite of testimony to the contrary. No further comments, due to pending and potential legal actions.
Attorney George Parker, will base much of the appeal, case number C170206 on the content of the transcripts posted on this page.
Moeller Instructs Tax Commissioner to Lie, Commit Fraud, Councilmembers Complicit
July 3, 2017, The testimony posted on this page, justifies the firing of our City Manager Thomas W. Moeller. Moeller, Doyle, Lowndes, and City Attorney Brian Fox in their own words clearly have no respect for our City Charter, or the "Rule of Law". When Loundes was asked why she lied, when she agreed to sign her name on a document purporting to be "the acting clerk", she stated that she did it because her boss, Moeller "told her to do it". It did not matter that she was committing fraud and that Moeller would than take the fraudulent document to the Hamilton County Board of Elections, further perpetuating the fraud. Moeller used the power of his position for the purpose of committing fraud, was he that confident that he could "get away with it"? What makes this worse is that Mayor Adrien, Vice Mayor Theis council members Hilberg, Gehring, Ashmore, and Spencer have spent, already this year, according to Mayor Adrien, more than $ concealed by Mayor Adrien & Council of tax payer's money in an attempt to cover up the lies and fraud. $ concealed by Mayor Adrien & council, wasted already this year on payments to Attorneys Brian Fox and Steven Goodin. Please note that Adrienand Fox have continued to conceal from the public specific legal billing records, meaning that we have no way of determining how to apply the $184,000.00 in legal fees, paid out in total.
July 3, 2017, Is it true and factual that our City Council Clerk is not required to attend City council meetings and that she can certify the minutes in spite of her absence. That is not what our charter says. According to the testimony of Moeller, Doyle and Lowndes, we can just hire the grocery store bagger to prepare the minutes from a recording ignoring the requirements of our charter.
July 3,2017, Moeller complains that residents have accused him of collusion, disputes the allegations. The allegations are justified, collusion, Moeller, Powers, Malloy, and Fox, all in effort to place a restaurant in downtown Madeira at tax payers expense.
July 3, 2017, Two more reasons to fire Moeller. Will be explained, including supporting documents, July 4, 2017.
" The Manager shall be responsible to Council for the Proper administration of the affairs of the municipality and the Enforcement of all of its laws and ordinances" Madeira City Charter.
More Collusion Involves Secret Council Plan to Spend $1,000,000.00 On Private Property in Historic Area.....
August 19, 2017 / Updated August 21, 2017
Councilmember and former Mayor Mike Steur admits that interim reports have been used for concealing public business for decades and the "City Manager Interim Reports" posted on the green button, above substantiate that Steur is correct. It appears that our council members, our mayor, Adrien our expectant Mayor Theis and our council members have been hiding in executive sessions their one million dollar plan to cover the creek running from Laurel Avenue to Railroad Avenue in spite of the fact that the city does not own the creek. This secretly hatched plan, spending a million dollars can only benefit one person, local developer Thomas Powers, further collusion at the expense of Madeira tax payers. There is much more to this story that cannot yet be told. Collusion yes, corruption maybe.
Click on pictures below, Bottom top left Railroad Avenue showing McCabe company, follow blue arrow, creek is at far left / top right property and adjoining creek see white arrow, the building and creek in this picture are privately owned / bottom left, the creek one million dollar enclosure / bottom right the creek / middle left creek behind curious garden plants
Secret Meetings, Secret Communications, $1,000,000.00 Madeira Taxpayers Money.
Christy Lowndes is the Madeira Tax Commissioner and Assistant Treasurer. She was appointed as acting clerk, by city manager Moeller. Moeller did not have that authority. Asked why she lied when she signed ordinance 17-06 Lowndes answered the, "he is the City Manager". Lowndes has been employed by the City of Madeira since 1998. Read "Hamilton County Board of Elections Fraud & Lies". Blue Button below.
Madeira Appeals Civil Lawsuit A-1802415 after loss in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, link to court hearing
Madeira Tax Payers have now spent $400,000 in legal fees and other associated cost including staff time. Jury trial is July 14, 2020. Depositions of Mayor Spencer and former Mayor Theis are posted at left.
Madeira Government...….
S.L.A.P.P / "Strategic Lawsuit against public participation. Censor, intimidate, and silence by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense, until they abandon their criticism or opposition" Source, WikipediA
Sherry Poland is the Director, Hamilton County Board of Elections.
Esteemed Cincinnati Attorney, Curt Hartman Files Multiple Motions Aimed At Madeira Council Members & Others...
February 9, 2019
There are still many unanswered questions regarding this statement (in red). 121.22 says "public officials are to take official action and to conduct all deliberations upon official business only in open meetings unless the subject matter is specifically excepted by law". Deliberations behind closed doors can lead to allegations of Corruption, and legal challenges.
Attorney George Parker represents Oppenheimer, Fox and Goodin of the Graydon Law Firm represent the City of Madeira. Brian Fox is the city of Madeira Law Director.
June 4, 2019, Madeira City Council Civil Lawsuit Number A-18-02415 Filed Against Madeira Resident Douglas Oppenheimer, Motions Have Been Filed, Asking That The Lawsuit Be Dismissed. Judge Shanahan, Hamilton County Common Pleas Court has The Hearing Set For July 2, 2019 at 11 AM, For Oral Argument. Madeira City Council Members Have authorized Payments of $66,548.50 Thru January 2019, all Pocketed by Attorneys at the Graydon Law Firm.
Brian Fox, Attorney or "hired Gun", his history
April 14, 2018
Mr. Fox had a history with our city long before his employment as our Law Director. Prior to his current "gig" with the Graydon Law firm, Fox was an attorney at Wood & Lamping, where he was an understudy of former Madeira City Attorney Bob Molloy. His Graydon bio talks a lot about his former interest of becoming a preacher, "his ability to get others to see things from his perspective, along with a gift for speaking directly, simply from the heart, played well to preaching". "When I'd hear a great sermon delivered well and with authority, it made me believe, he says".
What Mr. Fox was best known for at Wood & Lamping was the work that Molloy farmed out to Fox, when Madeira city officials began colluding with local developer Thomas Powers in an effort to skirt most Madeira zoning laws, allowing Powers to purchase the vacant B&B Mower property using Madeira Tax payers money. During his time at Wood & Lamping Fox made one major mistake when he threatened and harassed Madeira residents in an email dated November 12, 2015. The above quote "his ability to get others to see things from his perspective" couldn't be more correct, Madeira Council wanted a hired Gun and that's what they got.
It was no accident that our city council members hired Fox as Molloy's replacement . Next "Fox, Moeller and city Council turning Madeira towards "dictatorial government" "corruption" the facts, Don't Doubt It.
Moeller Lies, Snuffs Madeira Residents....
July 4,2017
Updated July 25, 2017
City Manager Moeller has been concealing extremely important information from the residents of our community. It is sort of like keeping "two sets of books", in this case Moeller provides a "Managers Report" in every "Council Packet" put out on the Madeira Web Page prior to a council meeting. Here's the switch, Moeller has also, secretly and unbeknown to Madeira residents, created a second report, "City Manager Interim Reports" containing extremely controversial information and content. Moeller and city council are refusing to provide who receives "Interim Reports", when the reports are sent and how the reports are transmitted, one more example of how Moeller, our Mayor, Adrien, Vice Mayor Theis, and five City Council members hide and conceal public information, and another reasonjustifying Moeller's termination as Madeira City Manager and the election of four new council members this November.
"Dirty Little Secret is Out"....
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017, At last nights City Council meeting every Madeira Council member acknowledged that they have been receiving "City Manager Interim Reports", and Councilmember Steur, stated that the "City Manager Interim Reports"have been provided for Decades. Mr. Moeller has been our city manager for 28 years, just shy of three decades. Moeller's InterimReports have hidden very important information from Madeira residents. That information is about to be made public.
You may think that this Civil Suit filed in May of 2018 was where it all began, and you would be wrong. Its true that our Mayor, Vice Mayor and five council members did file the suit last May, but this story began in 2011, on a day that then Mayor Rick Brasington and Madeira City Manager asked if they could address the Madeira Historical Society Board of Directors, regarding a proposed restaurant in downtown Madeira. The society members were not aware of any details prior to meeting with the city officials. It was explained that city council and other city officials had been discussing with a local person, the possibility of building a restaurant similar to one located in Loveland, and that the two historic homes, the Hosbrook and Muchmore Houses would need to be relocated before the proposed restaurant could be built. Both the Hosbrook and Muchmore Houses were considered historic, both were given to the city by Cleo J. Hosbrook, with the understanding that the houses would be preserved. At the meeting there were immediate concerns expressed by members of the society. One concern was that there would not be adequate parking for a busy restaurant and the other neighboring businesses. The second concern was that relocating the two historic houses would be risky and there were concerns regarding exactly where the houses were to be relocated to. The City Manager and Mayor tried to be convincing. There appeared to be some sense of urgency, and the name Paxtons Grill was noticed on some drawings that were shown to the society members. Soon it would be clear that parking was an issue and Manager Moeller contrary to his presentation had no place to relocate the two Historic Homes.
Beginning in 2011 and continuing through 2013, Madeira city officials, both elected and appointed, spent much of their time and tax payers money attempting to have a "Sports Bar" constructed at Laurel and Miami Avenue. By this time there was no secret, the developer was Thomas Powers and we would learn that the "Bar" would be called the "Swingline Grill", the pitch was that the bar would be a place in Madeira where residents could get a Cheese Burger and a cold beer. Powers and partners already owned Paxton's Grill in Downtown Loveland. No one objected that Powers and our city officials wanted the Sports Bar, but the future of the historic properties were an issue. As it turned out the CXS Railroad owned the property on RR Avenue where City Manager Moeller had emphatically told Historical Society members that he could relocate the Muchmore House, as if "it was a done deal". . Copies of e-mails exchanged between Moeller and CSX officials told an entirely different story, Moeller was never close to an agreement with the Railroad, and never intended on disclosing the truth. During most of this time, neither the City of Madeira nor Powers approached neighboring property owners proposing the inclusion of other properties in a development that would have been more appropriate. There was substantial pressure applied to Powers and his partners to build a two story building rather than the one story building that was planned by Powers and his Architect. Powers explained that his financials at Paxton's would not allow for a loan substantial enough to include a second floor. Madeira city officials were desperate enough to offer Powers some tax payers money as a loan so that the building would include a second story. To be continued
Thomas W. Moeller has been the Madeira city manager for 28 years according to his testimony. To protect and conceal Moeller's wrongful actions, apparently, according to our council members, taxpayers have been shaken down to the tune of $274,000.00 in 2017. More will be said about how much has been spent and to whom it was paid.
Madeira City Council Issues Sleazy Proclamation 18-01... City Files Civil Suit! Oppenheimer Fires Back...
April 28, 2018 Read White Button Above / S.L.A.P.P
In an anonymous communication to this editor, it was relayed that upon hearing the latest far out news of Madeira proclamation 18-01, Doug Oppenheimer attorney declares "Madeira is a fascist town in mindset, policy, and now practice". Incredulously, in a burg where town council and legal council have not the brains or back bone to stand against a serial cheater and law breaker in chief (executive), it is no noble gesture that they would "explore" chilling one of the few vocal local dissenting voices calling for truth and justice in a village gone mad.
If it is dangerous to have the fox protect the hen house when the rooster raids it for pleasure than the huffing and puffing of a civil suit will provide the justice denied to Madeira electors in Doug Oppenheimer's last stand by finally exposing the wrongdoing by Madeira Deep City bureaucrats. "I am confident that the threatened lawsuit" will result in the complete exoneration of Doug Oppenheimer, who was blamed for the $$$ council spent to cover up the mistakes of lawyer Fox in putting charter amendments on the ballot in 2017. The shameful acts of Manager Moeller, the abuse of council Clerk responsibilities and misuse of the innocent tax commissioner that lead to the election contest litigation ( that has not reached its final conclusion ) will finally be addressed by a tribunal that will not be hindered by legal procedural gamesmanship and political craftiness.
As one highly interested outside observer opined, What I what to ask Brian Fox is "Why cower with a lawsuit where more lies will be stacked upon lies? Could you not just instead spread more manure about the city to draw out the town gadfly and once he is knee deep and prone ... shoot the messenger ?" - Confidential Source
Appeals Court Decision Providing Cover for Moeller, Temporary...
September 13, 2017
The appeal has been filed ( C-170206 ) including transcripts from the April 27, 2017 trial held in the Court of Common Pleas. The Common Pleas Court Judge was the Honorable Judge Robert C. Winkler. It is important that Madeira Residents are made aware of the same testimony that Judge Winkler heard at trial, the basis for the appeal, and that untruthful testimony or any effort to defraud the Hamilton County Board of Elections and or Madeira residents be exposed, and that any Madeira City Official committing either of these acts are exposed, prosecuted, and removed from their respective office. The Madeira City Charter is posted on the red button just above this text. Court filings which are posted on blue button above will determine the ultimate outcome of the May 2, 2017 election results. See court ruling above, blue button.
Christine Doyle is the Madeira City Council Clerk. Doyle testified that she has no authority to appoint an acting Clerk, that her signature is affixed to ordinances and resolutions, verifying that the documents have been approved by council. Doyle testified that she did not put the proposed charter amendment notifications in the mail, and when asked "is there any affirmative obligation or requirement upon you to attend a meeting in order to prepare minutes?" she answered NO.
On your left, top of row is our City Manager Thomas R. Moeller. Mr.Moeller has been our City Manager for more than 28 years. Mr. Moeller according to his subordinate, Tax Commissioner Kristie Lowndes told her to affix her signature to Ordinance 17-06, as "The Acting Clerk". Kristie Lowndes, had no authority to affix her name to Ordinance 17-06, she falsified the document, knowing full well she was committing fraud, had no authority to sign as council clerk. Asked under oath why she falsified the Ordinance she said " I was appointed as acting clerk on March 14, 2017, asked who appointed her as acting clerk she answered "City Manager", she was then asked "what authority does the city manager have to appoint an acting clerk", she answered "He is the City Manager". Mr. Moeller had no authority to appoint anyone as acting clerk on March 14th, our charter did not allow for an appointment. Moeller than proceeded on to the Hamilton County Board of Elections with the fraudulent ordinance and a second copy of the ordinance that was not signed by Lowndes. At the Board of Elections Moeller tricked unsuspecting Board employees, he lied, presenting the ordinance signed by Lowndes as the council clerk, knowing full well that it was a fraud. It gets much worse, Moeller was very cunning, the BOE employee time stamped the "two copies" of ordinance 17-06, brought by Moeller, allowing Moeller to continue lying and perpetuation of the fraud. One Hamilton County Trial Judge and three Hamilton County Court of Appeals Judges have reviewed the actions of Lowndes and Moeller, neither Moeller nor Lowndes have been exonerated by any Hamilton County Judge.
In addition to the lawless actions of Moeller and Lowndes, our city council clerk Christine Doyle testified under oath that she ignored the requirements of our charter stating that the elector notifications were sent to "citizens". Our City Charter does not allow for interference from the city Manager in the Council Clerks responsibilities, and it appears that Moeller prevented the Clerk from doing her job. The notification requirements in our charter were not followed. Apparently our city rewards employees when mistakes are made, Doyle was given an additional position with our city, Finance / Tax Clerk. There are questions regarding Doyle's two positions that hopefully well be answered this week via a public records request filed today. It appears that the Doyle promotion was done quietly.
To your left are photos of our council members, all seven fully aware of the unlawful actions of Moeller, Lowndes and Doyle. Council members can't pretend that Moeller did not instruct Lowndes to lie and falsify ordinance 17-06, or that he didn't lie at the BOE. They can't dispute Doyle's sworn testimony. It appears that the proposed charter amendments submitted for a May 2, 2017 vote were far more important than council members having the integrity to delay the "special election". Our city council members have lost the respect of many residents living in our community. The legal actions continue, and our council members, complicit with their city hall subordinates also continue, in a major cover up of wrongful activities.
Attorney George Parker Makes Oral Arguments in Hamilton County Appeals Court, November 15, 2017, Four Months Later Court Ruling Ignores All of Moeller Wrongdoing...
Updated February 17, 2018
Updated April 5, 2018
Mr. Parker representing the people of Madeira and Mr. Fox representing the Madeira City Council members have filed their written briefs in the Hamilton County Court of Appeals. The court has set November 15th as the date for oral arguments. The written briefs are filed based on the arguments and findings from the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas hearing held before the honorable Judge Robert C. Winkler. Judge Winkler as expected ruled in favor of the City of Madeira on May 1, 2017 allowing for the May 2, 2017 Madeira special election to proceed. The hearing before Judge Winkler included testimony from the Hamilton County Board of Elections Director, Sherry Poland, City of Madeira Council Clerk Christine Doyle, Madeira Tax Commissioner Christy Medert Lowndes, and Madeira City Manager Thomas Moeller. The testimony from each of these four witnesses while under oath, is posted on the blue buttons below. If the people prevail it is likely that the results from the May 2, 2017 election will be nullified. In 1979 the City of Madeira was sued for mistakes made in an election that year, similar to the current allegations. The results of the 1979 lawsuit are described in a January 15, 1981 Cincinnati Enquirer article posted on Page nine (9). To understand the arguments before the Hamilton County Court of Appeals it is strongly suggested that you open up and read the documents posted on the blue button above by clicking onto the button. The transcripts posted below on the blue buttons contain the sworn testimony of the three city officials, Moeller, Lowndes, and Doyle.
Madeira Ordered to Pay Back Tax's to Madeira School District.......
June 26, 2017
For the past 20 years City Manager Moeller has swindled the Madeira School District. Moeller's Scheme was to submit documents to Hamilton County taxing authorities designating the Schneider parking spaces (A Tavola Bar) as tax exempt, another Moeller rouse, in an effort to conceal the 99 year Schneider agreement (Page 7) from public view. At the June 26, 2017 City Council meeting Moeller claimed that he was not aware of the findings from the State of Ohio, but he was quick to say that all parking in the Historic District is now "Taxable, Commercial Parking". More smoke and mirrors. Is our city council and Law Director Brian Fox covering up for Moeller again? See Page 2 "Back Tax's".
More justification to terminate Moeller's Employment as Madeira City Manager. Only our City Council can "FIRE" Moeller, not true, all options are on the table, including the prosecutionof Madeira city officials. Information found in the "City Manager Interim Reports"may lead to prosecutions.
Allegations of Madeira City Council Corruption, Just the Facts.....
April 12, 2018
Corruption, "The act of corrupting or state of being corrupt, moral perversion, depravity, perversion of integrity, corrupt, or dishonest proceedings, bribery".
Political Corruption, "the abuse of public power, office or resources by elected government officials, maintaining themselves in public office by purchasing votes, by enacting laws which use tax payers money, misuse of public office, power or influence for private gain".
Above, "Madeira Hired Gun" City Attorney Brian Fox
Councilmember Brian Mueller Letter......
February 2, 2018
Councilman Mueller provides letter (posted above on red button) "hoping that fraud or criminal acts aren't alleged, or that there may be a reckless disregard for the truth" I would not stand for that and would actively fight it with the same vigor I would if my day job subordinates or family members were similarly accused, I implore you to be prudent in what you publish on your website, what you write in letters, and what you say in public"
Brian Mueller, Madeira City Councilmember